Industrial News

Five Trends of Commercial Lighting in 2018


OSRAM summed up the major trends in commercial lighting in 2018. Let's take a look at how this lighting professional player views the future.

Human lighting

Light affects our lives in many ways, including our health, mood, productivity, attention, sleep cycles, decision-making power, and more.

With the adoption of intelligent lighting and the Internet of Things, lighting characteristics such as color, intensity, and time can be automatically adjusted to meet people's needs. For example, in an article by Digital Lumens, the authors pointed out: "In children's schools, biosensors will track students' alertness and subtly change the spectrum to automatically increase their attention at any time."

Chad Groshart, IALD (Association of International Association of Lighting Designers), LEED AP BD + C (LEED Green Building Design and Construction Qualification Personnel) and WELL Faculty / AP (WELL Qualified Personnel), he directly participates in Human Factors Lighting (HCL) ). Groshart said: "Human lighting is an important trend, people's interest in it has been increasing, the use of more and more widely, the latest control technology also makes it easier to implement." He said: "WELL Building Standard has always been HCL trend The catalyst behind it."

The WELL Building Standard is a performance-based system that measures, certifies, and monitors the characteristics of the built environment that affect people's health. It is a third-party certification issued by the Green Business Certification Corporation (GBCI). It is responsible for managing LEED certification and certification procedures.

Intelligent Lighting Enables Internet of Things Applications

Lighting is everywhere and every fixture can be easily and reliably connected to the power supply. By adding sensors, LED technology and connectivity have changed our visual experience and interactions in the workplace. An intelligent, sensor-filled, connected lighting system will become a data-driven network that can be bound to an automated building management system (BMS).

Forward-looking building owners and facility managers will treat each light spot as a data node and may become an early adopter of emerging smart building and IoT applications. The connected lighting control systems they now choose for lighting and energy management will be the infrastructure for these applications.

Continually spreading sensor

We are still at a pioneering stage in understanding which IoT applications will be launched and which sensor data will be necessary. In preparing the unknown infrastructure of the building, some facility managers hedged their bets by installing a greater number of sensors in the connected lighting management system.

In addition to light sensors and occupancy sensors, forward-thinking facility managers are experimenting with sensors such as relative humidity, particulate matter, and environmental pollutants. The awareness of the "as much as possible" sensor is gaining popularity.

“It is not surprising that lamps are considered the ideal sensor deployment platform,” Groshart said. “Although no one knows the exact potential of each type of sensor, there is a general consensus among equipment managers of high-end design projects, especially The potential is set aside because no one wants to be left behind when everything becomes a reality."

Simplify daylight harvesting

Daylight harvesting is not a new lighting control strategy. Similarly, it is not a day or two for the market to scream for the simplification of the daylighting control debugging process. ASHRAE 90.1-2016 strengthens the requirements for automatic daylight-sensitive control of side-lighting and overhead lighting, adding more lighting requirements, and the “appropriate lighting” item in the LEED certification rating system includes 3 points.

With the emphasis on ease of installation, it is hoped that the problem of daylight collection can be solved more easily with the new lighting control system. The system provides easy setting and debugging tools. It is hoped that as much natural light can be brought into space as possible, not only conforming to specifications, but also achieving energy-saving benefits more easily.

Daylight harvesting uses an illumination control system to adjust artificial lighting in response to changes in the amount of daylight. The automatic lighting control system uses a light sensor to measure the amount of natural light in the space and dim or close the artificial light when there is enough ambient light to achieve a consistent Optimal light levels while reducing energy consumption.

Energy Consumption and Regulations

Although new energy regulations have been promoting digital lighting over the past 10 years, we still need to mention it in the 2018 lighting trend list. In fact, energy consumption continues to influence many lighting design decisions, especially as regulations are updated and become more stringent. Many in the industry anticipate that the 2019 version of Title 24 will be effective on January 1, 2020, and facility managers outside of California will be concerned about this update because energy licensing may spread to other states.

Although the energy budget is still a key design parameter, experts believe that the new regulations should not prevent anyone from doing good lighting design. For example, they pointed out that ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers) Standard 90.1 has a 1 watt/square foot trim margin above the baseline quota, which allows lighting designers to strike a balance between energy regulations and customer expectations.

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