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5 TIPS for a seamless transition From HPS to LED CT 2000e


1 Adjust temperature when growing with Reita CT 2000e LED

Growers familiar with cultivating under HPS light know that their fixtures emit a significant amount of radiant heat—the sort of heat that warms up the upper foliage of your crops.  Excess radiant heat can damage your crop. But, when using HPS lighting at the manufacturer’s recommended mounting height and intensity, radiant heat can be also beneficial.

This is because the photosynthetic machinery your crops use to convert light to chemical energy and sugars function best    within a certain temperature range.

 Too hot or too cold and the photosynthesis slows to a trickle. Further, warming the crops’ foliage promotes transpiration, or the movement of water and dissolved nutrients from the roots to new growth points. Taken together, photosynthesis and transpiration drive primary plant metabolism and growth.

Reita & Gavita CT 2000e LED fixtures produce significantly less radiant heat compared to HPS fixtures. Cultivators must compensate for this difference.
We recommend raising the ambient room temperature to make up for this loss in radiant heat. 

By raising the temperature, it’s possible to mimic the beneficial warming effect of HPS lighting.

 HPS lighting emits significantly more radiant heat than Reita CT 2000e  LED Grow lighting

2 Use VPD as your management tool

In addition to monitoring and adjusting room temperature, it’s important to balance the other conditions, like moisture, in your space with a practice like VPD (vapor pressure deficit).         

 Doing so can help promote maximum growth.

VPD is the difference (deficit) between the amount of actual moisture in the air and the amount of moisture the air can potentially hold when saturated. VPD is often measured in pounds per square inch (psi) or kilopascal (kPa). 

When air is saturated with water, the VPD is 0 kPa. As VPD increases, the amount of water (or moisture) in the air decreases. A high VPD, considered greater than 1.0 kPa, indicates that the air can still hold a large amount of water. 


Disease. Moisture, or the lack thereof, can contribute to plant disease. This is because once air becomes saturated, water will condense to form films of water over leaves. This in turn, can drive disease-causing spores to germinate and infect the plant tissue. A film of water on a plant leaf makes it much more susceptible to rot. 

Transpiration. The gradient from the plant leaves (nearly saturated with water) and the air, drives transpiration. VPD more accurately expresses the driving force of water loss from a leaf. Unlike relative humidity, VPD has a simple, nearly straight-line relationship to the rate of evapotranspiration (water loss to the atmosphere by evaporation of water and transpiration from plants).

A VPD of zero means the air is 100% saturated and thus plants cannot transpire effectively. As VPD increases, transpiration increases accordingly. This is why it’s recommended to keep VPD low for rooting cuttings or seed germination, and higher for finishing a crop and avoiding incidences of disease.

The goal is to maximize how long the stomata are open during the day in order to keep transpiration and photosynthesis at the max. 

This is accomplished by maintaining a favorable VPD during peak stages of plant growth and development. 
Because VPD is a function of both temperature and humidity, when we raise our ambient room temperatures, we must raise our humidity levels as well to

stay within a favorable VPD range. Raising temperatures without raising humidity will have the opposite effect on the plant by creating stress and reducing growth.


Many growers are uneasy about raising their RH to 70%+, citing concerns around crop diseases like powdery mildew (PM) or botrytis grey mold. But by following a 
few recommendations, it’s possible to run high RH and temperatures while mitigating disease.

Keep in mind: There is a balance between disease prevention and optimum plant growth and development. 

It’s important to understand your facilities’ limitations and make adjustments accordingly.

3 Factor in HVAC and dehumidification

When switching from HPS to Reita and Gavita CT 2000eLED, an important consideration is dehumidification. 

CT 2000e LEDs are usually more efficient than HPS at converting electrical energy into light energy. 

Typically, this means growers can save on their energy bills and their rooms will require less cooling to maintain optimum growing conditions and high light levels.

This can also mean that your existing HVAC may not be controlling humidity like before. 

After all, if your HVAC system isn’t working as hard to cool the room, it may not be removing as much water vapor, either. 
In these cases, it’s a good idea to consider installing additional dedicated dehumidification equipment. Consider that 90% of the volume of your irrigation solution is 

being released from your crops’ leaves, the surface of your growing substrate and any leached water as water vapor. 

Collectively, these are known as “evapotranspiration.”

4 Consider the effects of light spectraand light intensity on crop growth

Aim for a Balanced Light Spectra


HPS lighting emits a lighting spectrum dominant in far red, red and yellow wavelengths of light. A red-dominant spectrum like this can cause plants to grow taller and 

develop thinner stems and leaves as compared to natural sunlight. Natural light is thought to be more “balanced” due to more ultraviolet (UV), blue and green wavelengths. 


Rich in blue, green, yellow and red light, LEDs can provide a more balanced lighting spectrum than HPS. Crops grown under the balanced spectrum of an LED exhibit growth 
patterns more true to crops grown under natural sunlight than those grown with HPS lighting. The result is crops that are stockier, with thick stems and expansive, broad leaves.


The effect various light wavelengths have on the structure and shape of a plant is called photomorphogenesis. 

And it’s about more than just red and blue light. 

UV light, far red light and even green and orange light affect plant growth!


This makes sense from an ecological perspective, as plants have evolved to respond to natural light. 

Plants growing out in the open (more blue light and red light, minimal far red light), develop a more compact, stocky habit. 

On the other hand, plants grown under a plant canopy (low blue and red light and high far red light), such as in a forest, will stretch and be 
somewhat spindly, often said to be “seeking” light. 

It’s helpful to keep these differences in mind when planning a transition from HPS to Reita Gavita CT 2000e LED fixtures.

Take advantage of increased light intensity

Remember how HPS fixtures emit significant amounts of radiant heat? That heat prevents growers from placing their crops too close to HPS fixtures, which generally limits the 
maximum light intensity a plant will receive, compared to Gavita CT2000e LED fixtures.

Because Reita CT2000e LEDs emit less radiant heat than HPS, cultivators can increase the PPFD (photosynthetically active photon flux density, or the amount of plant-usable light, 

measured in photons) to higher levels than recommended when using HPS.

This is a game-changer for growers. It means cultivators can now help deliver more photons on-target without overheating their crops, helping push maximum growth like never before.

A few things to keep in mind when using LED:

1. Dialing in your environment (temperature, humidity, CO2, watering and nutrients) is critical to helping your crops make use of the extra photons.
2. More is not always better. If crops cannot effectively make use of the extra photons, increased light energy can cause oxidative damage to the 
photosynthetic machinery of your crops, leading to photoinhibition, or a reduction in the photosynthetic capacity of a plant in response to excess light energy.
3. Optimize your growing parameters for growing with Reita CT 2000e LED.

 This can help avoid metabolic bottlenecks that lead to photoinhibition, helping promote rapid, balanced growth. 
4. Monitor light intensity. Because Reita LEDs Grow Light are often mounted much closer to plant canopies than HPS, we recommend using a PAR (photosynthetically 
active radiation) meter to measure PPFD at the canopy and help minimize overexp

Remember to check your PPFD levels with your PAR meter before moving in your young plants!

 Sun System PAR meter for accurate Reita CT 1930e LED PPFD measurements

5 Monitor and adjust nutrition and irrigation based on transpiration

It’s a common misconception that switching from HPS to LED CT 1930e automatically triggers a need for increased nutrient and

 irri-gation events.It’s true, under ideal conditions, higher PPFD levels (as are possible with Reita LED Grow light) generally lead to 

faster growth, and thus an increased need for nutrients and water. 

But more often, nutrient needs increase because growers do not adjust the other room parameters, like ambient 
temperature, VPD and dehumidification (as outlined in steps 1-4)—not strictly because of higher PPFD levels.


Effects of Transpiration on Irrigation and Nutrient Needs Water is the delivery vehicle, and dissolved nutrients are the 
cargo. This means that the higher the rate of transpiration, the more efficiently the crop is able to shuttle essential 
nutrients to new growth points and generally speaking, the lower the concentration (i.e. ppm of nutrients, mL per 
gallon of fertilizer, etc.) of nutrients required for healthy, balanced growth.

So how do you know if your crops are transpiring at a higher, lower or equal rate from HPS to LED? 

It can be fairly straight forward if you know what to look for. 


Measure the total volume of irrigation solution required each day to maintain the same moisture content in your substrate 
for crops under LED vs. HPS fixtures. Then, determine the following

• If HPS water usage > LED water usage, we can reasonably infer that the crops are transpiring less, thus nutrient 
concentration should be increased. 

• If HPS water usage < LED water usage, we can reasonably infer that the crops are transpiring more, thus nutrient 
concentration can remain the same or even be reduced.

Nutrient dropoff

Reita CT 2000e LED Grow Light cultivation setpoints

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